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Floc 100 Tryout


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Connection to Nature

The burst of colours during the seasons of transition are some of the most inspiring times. With autumn, there is a cool wind gliding through the trees but a warmth of ochre and scarlet leaves to balm the soul. Yet, in the springtime, plants are crawling out of their own sort of hibernations from under blankets of snow to soak up the sunlight. Yes, these sunny mornings and golden afternoons are some of Dia’s favourites. It is just the essence of life and the colours of so many auras in one place, just utterly beautiful. Better yet, there is just something so wonderful about the world in bloom. If you peer close enough, you may be able to see little flowers swaying on grass blades. Dia hopes that she could inspire others to see how interesting the views are as well. 


It always starts with a young child, doesn’t it? Yes, a young boy was strolling through the woods and found a branch. He was twisting and twirling the branch until he hit himself on the head and suddenly decided that his previous activities were no longer interesting. Now, he was battering plants with the branch and kicking up a mess. This is when Dia decided to step in. 


Stop that right now, you are hurting the plants! The growl clattered around in the boy’s mind. 

The boy was rightly spooked and dropped the branch rather suddenly (when you are psychic for so long, you forget what sort of reaction you get from others with a second voice speaking in their head). Now apologize to the forest!


The boy stammered out an apology and ran out of the forest. 


These interactions are not really ones that children keep secret, so the boy shouted about what happened to his family who commented it off hand to their friends. Others may have thought it was the boy’s conscience talking instead of Dia, but it does not hurt that a rumor of a forest guardian sprung to life.


Many wanderers decided to grace Dia’s home after that. One of the most prominent visitors was an artist who painted whatever suited her fancy. Dia peered over her shoulder to see many scattered ideas. It was one of sheer luck where she felt a tug towards one of the ideas. Dia whispered into the artist’s mind, I like the composition of that bottom left one, it would look excellent all coloured. 

The artist touched her ear and looked around for the source of the sound. Dia felt no reason to hide this time and decided to reveal herself. Like the boy, the artist was spooked as well. She seemed to take it in stride as the forest spirit rumor was still running strong. I can even show you the perfect spot if you want more inspiration for colours. The artist nodded and picked up her supplies to follow in a daze. That golden afternoon ended up creating a series of painted canvases. The rumors rushed through in full force then with the artist crediting her inspiration to the forest. 


More people continued to visit and they even left her gifts at the mouth of the forest or some even ended up migrating to the elm tree. There wasn’t anything fancy, like a shrine dedicated to the mysterious forest spirit, but sometimes Dia would get offerings in hopes that inspiration would strike them next. People often bring inks, white outs, paints, clay and many other art supplies. To her delight, some of them even have psychic properties. Beyond whispering a few thoughts, there is not much she can do for inspiration even after receiving an offering but maybe constantly thinking about nature will lead to a placebo effect for the person and nurture their creativity.  



Illustrated Flowers 2

Dia’s keyholder ended up being an old elm tree with a large canopy. There happened to be an old wooden box hidden in one of the nooks which was perfect for Dia’s key. There was a little brooch hidden inside, but it didn’t concern Dia much. She made sure to ask the elm if it was okay to store her key there of course. There was not much of a grumble to chase her out so she stayed. When she looks into the aura of the elm, she can see the roots sprawl and connect with other trees and plants. She can feel the excess water from other trees stream into the elm and the old tree provides nutrients back. It was a unique experience with following a creature so interconnected to others.


She couldn’t have made a better choice. The forest feels like the perfect place to be. There is the matter of turning the key for catharsis, but she has thought of that as well. It was a stroke of luck that a forest nymph has taken residence in the forest by her elm so they can use their mobility and opposable thumbs to visit the catharsis chamber together. 

Beautiful Landscape


All images were from Wix

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