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Lumi, Lu, sometimes called Mini.
The name means light.
Androgynous - he/him pronouns

Who is their companion?
Ialu {I-a-lu}, which means field of sleep. Their nickname is Ia, and Lumi often calls them Sheepy. They are a sheep that resembles a glowing cloud with feet and horns. Ia is usually the responsible one in their duo, which usually means cleaning up Lu's messes during their travels. It doesn't bother them though, he may pretend to be annoyed, but everything is alright in the end. When it does go south, Ialu's bite is worse than their bark, so when Ia means business, it really is business and whatever they say better get done. Lumi tries his best to avoid being on the receiving end of their fury, but when he is the subject, things can get very messy.

What is your talent?
"Well, my his talent is changing nightmares into dreams and
vice versa. I tend not to change dreams to nightmares,
but there is always that off chance that I may need to."

What words and/or phrases do you use frequently?
"It builds character!" That is Lumi's reasoning for
everything, he rarely backs out of adventures when
he says that, but the few times he does, it either is
dangerous or he is scared. If it's the latter, Ia usually
pushes him back in to the situation.

Do you have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying
habits, or other defining characteristics?

Sometimes he may stop listening mid-sentence and peer
at shops, people, anything that seems to be important or
interesting. He calls it zoning in on things.

What is/are your favourite hobbies and pastimes?
When the sky is clear and the night is warm, Ia would drag
Lumi outside to look at the stars. They even started to chart
the sky even though they know most of the constellation by
heart. That being said, the pair would often stop on their
travels to see celestial events.

A close second is spelunking. They haven't quite learned how
large their home is, so the remedy is to look! Large papers
are brought with them so they are able to map out their path
and later. They would add it to their master map that's stuck
on a cork board, since one complete map looks boring. This
adds character and provides a certain charm to it.

What is your most treasured possession?
"It's definitely my book of dreams, which is actually a
collection of books. I write all the dreams that I hear
in the book, no matter the length and complexity. "

What, if anything, do you like to read?
Besides dreams, Lumi greatly enjoys reading a good
adventure novel when the nights stretch on. They
also like to read picture books, they may be
considered for children, but the illustrations and
stories found in the book can be amazing sometimes
and it is an adventure to flip through the pages.

What is your idea of good entertainment?
Roaming the streets of bustling marketplaces and
watching street performers show off their skills.

Introvert or Extrovert?
Lumi is definitely an extrovert. He love talking to others
and making new friends. Sometimes Ia thinks that he may
die if he doesn't talk to anyone for a day.

What would you do if you had insomnia and had to find something to do to amuse yourself?
Lumi does have insomnia, so in his free time he will organize his dream books alphabetically by first name and the origin of the story. They are all written on separate sheets of paper because he doesn't usually carry his journals with him during their travels. This makes organizing much easier, but also effectively creates clutter.

What do you do when you are stressed?
Brushing Ia's wool coat eventually calms him down, but it causes complaints from the sheep since Lumi tugs and pulls out knots in large clumps.

Are you spontaneous, or do you always need to have a plan?
Spontaneous as always! Who knows where they'll be traveling to next, but in case it goes down hill, which it usually does, Ia is always there to back him up and fix his mistake.

Do you have any scars?
Before Lumi befriended Ia, he had to fight his own battles, literally. He usually fled before they got too violent, but there was one fight that left multiple scars on his body. They are extremely faint and is only noticeable when they are close up.

What do you do on rainy days?
On rainy days, the pair will redecorate their cave with the new decor they found on their travels. It's usually comprised of richly coloured rugs, pictures to add on the wall and souvenirs from their adventures.

When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you've done?
Yes, he has, travelling the world to collect dreams has its ups and downs, but they always provide an amazing adventure.

What, if anything, shocks or offends you?
Never insult a person's dream, no matter how unreasonable or seemingly impossible it is. Anyone who does is on their hit list.

Which is worse, failing or never trying?
"Never trying is always worse, at least you can say that I tried and failed rather than I almost tried."

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